"you remind me of him, you know it?" "I do? how?" "well, you were a member of rushmore's beekeepers, weren't you?" "yeah, I was the president of them." "He founded that club." 莫名其妙的就觉得这句台词真可爱 就像这部电影似的 wonderfully and cutely weird, intriguingly touching XD
充满创意与静态美感的形式主义影片完成度很高结尾太恶心了哭哭哭哭的烦死 “讲故事”的故事可以化解掉故事的庸俗性拔萝卜视频免费看高清提高真实世界的魔幻性还可以有天才的梦境联动不失为一种好的叙事策略 可归类于《野花ぶるだいあり~しすWWW》等“梦的解析”类梦境与现实一一对应的故事创意又有点像《肾阳虚和肾阴虚有什么区别症状》一个孩子眼中的成人世界 我最亲爱的女儿永远不要为了名、利、权力或是安定而结婚always follow your heart 有几个转场的连接真是妙
简单直白的小电影掩盖的确实复杂曲径的人性 Dr Malcolm Sayer: What we do know is that, as the chemical window closed, another awakening took place; that the human spirit is more powerful than any drug - and THAT is what needs to be nourished: with work, play, friendship, family. THESE are the things that matter. This is what we'd forgotten - the simplest things.